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Dr. Don Olson is thankful for his years of experience in helping people and grateful for his abilities to help families and individuals.
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About Dr. Olson

Dr. Don Olson
Dr. Don Olson of the A Street Clinic of Chiropractic PLLC in Auburn, Washington graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1979. He trained in four separate clinics before founding the A Street Clinic of Chiropractic PLLC.
Along with over twenty five years of clinical practice, he holds two board certifications, one in Applied Spinal Biomechanical Engineering and the other in Applied Chiropractic Sciences.
He held courtesy staff privileges at Shorewood Osteopathic Hospital in the latter years of that facility’s existence, where he additionally served on the chiropractic credentialing committee.
He has held post-graduate faculty status with two separate chiropractic colleges and continues to hold positions of leadership in local, national and international organizations.
Why Chiropractic?
A chiropractic doctor’s purpose is to locate, analyze and correct subluxations, therefore reducing a major, and often silent, interference to a body’s inborn healing ability.
God placed within each of us, an on-board healing plan, not the least of which is our immune system. He wired us neurologically and placed the brain as command central.
In this beautiful design, our brain, along with it’s extension, the spinal cord and peripheral nerves (those extending out from the spinal cord to the rest of the body), make up the Master System, the Nerve System, whose function it is, “to control and co-ordinate all the other organs and structures, and to relate the individual to his/her environment”, paraphrased from Gray’s. Anatomy, 29th Ed., pg. 4.
A visualization of this uninterrupted two-way communication is like looking at a closed safety pin, with the brain cell at one end and the tissue cell on the other. With the pin closed, constant exchanges and feedback remain uninterrupted. This kind of continual communication is essential for homeostatic regulation and good health. Should the safety pin be opened, the loop is lost and a subluxation exists. More commonly however in our bodies, long before those “loops” are completely broken (paralysis), they are usually impaired, resulting in less than optimal health via poor communication.
Pioneers of the chiropractic profession noted early on, its impact on mental health. So, in the ‘30’s, Clearview Sanitarium was established, which rendered interdisciplinary care through the ‘40’s. For an interesting read, may I suggest the 1973 book, MENTAL HEALTH AND CHIROPRACTIC. Although long out of print and hard to find, this 290-page book describes well the interdisciplinary approach of the day and has 24 well versed contributing authors, whose written thoughts will provoke many of your own. Linus Pauling, Ph.D. authors one of the chapters along with a contribution to its forward.
As command central, the brain is directly impacted by subluxations. Whether there are visible signs or not. The associated postures often accompany them. When the nerve system is over- or under- stimulated, a poorer health potential is simply, the logical result. Take a moment to think about the close ties between your physical brain and your beautiful mind.
From basic communications to the depths of good relationships, the fine art of relating with one another is more often than not, a delicate balance of give and take. Hopefully more give than take.
Interferences to basic communications, whether neurogenic or relational, are no way to live, or love. Attaining and maintaining a sound nervous system is essential to clear unobstructed thought patterns, as well as your physical health. When your feeling good, doesn’t it seem easier to treat others good. It shouldn’t but it does.
Chiropractic spinal “adjustments” are applications of precise forces to specific parts of spinal segments devised to exert influence upon the mechanical structures of the vertebrae in an attempt to reduce the subluxation/nerve interferences and re-establish homeostasis.
Delicate newborns to the fragile elderly, and everybody in between are safely adjusted with the various techniques utilized by doctors of chiropractic. If you are familiar with some specific names of chiropractic techniques, the ones listed below may be of some help. If not, don’t worry. There are actually over 200 techniques in chiropractic today. This seemingly high number is due mainly to two things. The profession is relatively young, just over 100 years and there are constantly new things being revealed, resulting in continual change. I as well as others, choose to combine various techniques, for the benefit of each individual patient. If you take into consideration how each of us differs personally, you can see that there are actually an infinite number of styles and techniques within this profession. To say the least, you have options.
Some of the named techniques I draw from myself are: Diversified, Pettibon, S.O.T. Sacro-Occipital Technique, A.S.B.E. Applied Spinal Biomechanical Engineering, L.V.S.S. Low Velocity Specific Stretching, Gonstead, Palmer Toggle and A.O. Atlas Orthogonal.
Chiropractic is safe and effective. It is truly ‘Health’ care for the entire family.
Here is another chance to form another good health habit in your life.
To both feel and perform better, stretch regularly. When we do sporadically, there is usually an immediate reward and there can be even more benefit if we do it regularly. Start your day with a morning stretch, even before you get out of bed. This will provide you with less stiffness and more energy. Try to incorporate stretches throughout your day, especially if you are being mentally, physically or posturally stressed.
Each of our needs are actually very personal, so along with the benefits you can derive from the numerous support materials on stretching, I would encourage you to discuss specific stretches and exercises with your chiropractor. He or she has the best knowledge of your spine along with what specific needs you may require at any certain time.
Stretch Break – If you’ve been on the computer for a while, you’re probably ready for a stretch about now. Try the ‘Leaf’ position. Sit up comfortably and let your arms hang down by your sides. Now, move your arms behind you, with your palms facing the floor and your fingers pointing straight backwards. Now, tuck your chin in and hold it, then squeeze your shoulder blades together. Enjoy the stretch for a few seconds, and relax.
Think back to the days of your youth. When you walked everywhere or rode your bicycle all around. It wasn’t only fun. It was healthy. You may have enjoyed swimming also. If any of those memories hold feelings of a healthier and happier you, there is hope. Ponder one or two activities you can safely try? Pick the one that’s the most fun and start out… slowly. If it sounds risky in any way, talk it over with your doctor first.
Another way to begin moving more is to offer help to someone else. Yard or house work for an elderly neighbor for example, or any number of other tasks. It doesn’t take much to get the spark started and the reward of helping others is not only physical, but also heart-felt. Offer to help a friend with one or more of their long overdue projects or needs. They may be also waiting for some motivation. A seemingly small help can sometimes make a big difference in one’s life and once you get started, it’s even easier to take on your own projects like…cleaning out your garage or something. Working for others can actually become income producing should you desire.
For those already serious about a structured program, make sure you’ve got a certified trainer and chiropractor on your team. If your spine houses any pre-existing asymmetries, doing symmetrical exercises may just be strengthening your asymmetrical pattern. This could actually hasten the degenerative process and hamper progress, whether you’re feeling stronger or not.
Remember, “movement is a good thing”. It is actually one of the signs of life
Nutrition courses have been standard curriculum in Chiropractic colleges, with good reason. What we eat matters.
While some people appear to do well with processed and “fast foods” for a season, it is not considered a wise, long-term health choice.
Purchase healthy, naturally grown foods as often as possible/practical, the way God made them for us, and drink clean water often. I recommend searching out an organic food co-op or store if such is available in your area. When in season, a farmer’s market is a fine place to shop. Talk to the farmers about their crops and encourage them with their organic farming.
If you realize that there are areas to change, you are not alone. Lift your heart and pray that the Lord will plant the seeds of desire today, so that an effective change can take place within you, by His perfect plan.
If you’re already on that path to better nutrition, Praise the Lord and keep praying. I hope and pray that you will be a healthy influence to those around you. Not so much by preaching health, but by living the example and helping them find the answers, as they are ready. When we are changed from the inside, it is hard not to notice.
What is Chiropractic
The late Dr. Virgil Strang described chiropractic quite nicely, and I offer his words here:
What - Subluxations
Subluxations are like short-circuits within the body’s communication/nerve network. They are produced when a physical, chemical, or emotional stress occurs to or within the body that the nervous system cannot adapt to, at any given moment. Physical and postural adaptations result and produce the misalignment of one or more of your spinal bones, which are called vertebra. These vertebrae can also get stuck or just not move properly within your spine, allowing for potential interferences at the level where those nerves exit your spine and go out to those specific organs, structures and tissues. This alteration of nerve impulses results in poor communication between your brain and your body and your body and your brain, which is not healthy. These subluxations can either be subtle or not, as well as noticed or not.
Why - Purpose
A chiropractic doctor’s purpose is to locate, analyze and correct subluxations, therefore reducing a major, and often silent, interference to a body’s inborn healing ability.
Why - Physical
Subluxations are like short-circuits within the body’s communication/nerve network. They are produced when a physical, chemical, or emotional stress occurs to or within the body that the nervous system cannot adapt to, at any given moment. Physical and postural adaptations result and produce the misalignment of one or more of your spinal bones, which are called vertebra. These vertebrae can also get stuck or just not move properly within your spine, allowing for potential interferences at the level where those nerves exit your spine and go out to those specific organs, structures and tissues. This alteration of nerve impulses results in poor communication between your brain and your body and your body and your brain, which is not healthy. These subluxations can either be subtle or not, as well as noticed or not.
Why - Mental
Pioneers of the chiropractic profession noted early on, its impact on mental health. So, in the ‘30’s, Clearview Sanitarium was established, which rendered interdisciplinary care through the ‘40’s. For an interesting read, may I suggest the 1973 book, MENTAL HEALTH AND CHIROPRACTIC. Although long out of print and hard to find, this 290-page book describes well the interdisciplinary approach of the day and has 24 well versed contributing authors, whose written thoughts will provoke many of your own. Linus Pauling, Ph.D. authors one of the chapters along with a contribution to its forward.
As command central, the brain is directly impacted by subluxations. Whether there are visible signs or not. The associated postures often accompany them. When the nerve system is over- or under- stimulated, a poorer health potential is simply, the logical result. Take a moment to think about the close ties between your physical brain and your beautiful mind.
Why - Social
From basic communications to the depths of good relationships, the fine art of relating with one another is more often than not, a delicate balance of give and take. Hopefully more give than take.
Interferences to basic communications, whether neurogenic or relational, are no way to live, or love. Attaining and maintaining a sound nervous system is essential to clear unobstructed thought patterns, as well as your physical health. When your feeling good, doesn’t it seem easier to treat others good. It shouldn’t but it does.
How - Adjustment
Chiropractic spinal “adjustments” are applications of precise forces to specific parts of spinal segments devised to exert influence upon the mechanical structures of the vertebrae in an attempt to reduce the subluxation/nerve interferences and re-establish homeostasis.
Delicate newborns to the fragile elderly, and everybody in between are safely adjusted with the various techniques utilized by doctors of chiropractic. If you are familiar with some specific names of chiropractic techniques, the ones listed below may be of some help. If not, don’t worry. There are actually over 200 techniques in chiropractic today. This seemingly high number is due mainly to two things. The profession is relatively young, just over 100 years and there are constantly new things being revealed, resulting in continual change. I as well as others, choose to combine various techniques, for the benefit of each individual patient. If you take into consideration how each of us differs personally, you can see that there are actually an infinite number of styles and techniques within this profession. To say the least, you have options.
Some of the named techniques I draw from myself are: Diversified, Pettibon, S.O.T. Sacro-Occipital Technique, A.S.B.E. Applied Spinal Biomechanical Engineering, L.V.S.S. Low Velocity Specific Stretching, Gonstead, Palmer Toggle and A.O. Atlas Orthogonal.
Chiropractic is safe and effective. It is truly ‘Health’ care for the entire family.
How - Stretching
Here is another chance to form another good health habit in your life.
To both feel and perform better, stretch regularly. When we do sporadically, there is usually an immediate reward and there can be even more benefit if we do it regularly. Start your day with a morning stretch, even before you get out of bed. This will provide you with less stiffness and more energy. Try to incorporate stretches throughout your day, especially if you are being mentally, physically or posturally stressed.
Each of our needs are actually very personal, so along with the benefits you can derive from the numerous support materials on stretching, I would encourage you to discuss specific stretches and exercises with your chiropractor. He or she has the best knowledge of your spine along with what specific needs you may require at any certain time.
Stretch Break – If you’ve been on the computer for a while, you’re probably ready for a stretch about now. Try the ‘Leaf’ position. Sit up comfortably and let your arms hang down by your sides. Now, move your arms behind you, with your palms facing the floor and your fingers pointing straight backwards. Now, tuck your chin in and hold it, then squeeze your shoulder blades together. Enjoy the stretch for a few seconds, and relax.
How - Exercise
Think back to the days of your youth. When you walked everywhere or rode your bicycle all around. It wasn’t only fun. It was healthy. You may have enjoyed swimming also. If any of those memories hold feelings of a healthier and happier you, there is hope. Ponder one or two activities you can safely try? Pick the one that’s the most fun and start out… slowly. If it sounds risky in any way, talk it over with your doctor first.
Another way to begin moving more is to offer help to someone else. Yard or house work for an elderly neighbor for example, or any number of other tasks. It doesn’t take much to get the spark started and the reward of helping others is not only physical, but also heart-felt. Offer to help a friend with one or more of their long overdue projects or needs. They may be also waiting for some motivation. A seemingly small help can sometimes make a big difference in one’s life and once you get started, it’s even easier to take on your own projects like…cleaning out your garage or something. Working for others can actually become income producing should you desire.
For those already serious about a structured program, make sure you’ve got a certified trainer and chiropractor on your team. If your spine houses any pre-existing asymmetries, doing symmetrical exercises may just be strengthening your asymmetrical pattern. This could actually hasten the degenerative process and hamper progress, whether you’re feeling stronger or not.
Remember, “movement is a good thing”. It is actually one of the signs of life.
How - Nutrition
Nutrition courses have been standard curriculum in Chiropractic colleges, with good reason. What we eat matters.
While some people appear to do well with processed and “fast foods” for a season, it is not considered a wise, long-term health choice.
Purchase healthy, naturally grown foods as often as possible/practical, the way God made them for us, and drink clean water often. I recommend searching out an organic food co-op or store if such is available in your area. When in season, a farmer’s market is a fine place to shop. Talk to the farmers about their crops and encourage them with their organic farming.
If you realize that there are areas to change, you are not alone. Lift your heart and pray that the Lord will plant the seeds of desire today, so that an effective change can take place within you, by His perfect plan.
If you’re already on that path to better nutrition, Praise the Lord and keep praying. I hope and pray that you will be a healthy influence to those around you. Not so much by preaching health, but by living the example and helping them find the answers, as they are ready. When we are changed from the inside, it is hard not to notice.
Email Us
1020 A St SE, Suite 4, Auburn, WA 98002
9am - 12pm | 2pm - 6pm
2pm - 6pm
9am - 12pm | 2pm - 6pm
9am - 12pm | 2pm - 4pm
‘A’ Street Clinic of Chiropractic, PLLC
1020 A St SE
Suite #4
Auburn, WA 98002
(253) 939-0909